How it works

Through hundreds of independent, certified fingerprinting livescan providers, Get Fingerprinted Now is committed to providing you with a streamlined fingerprinting experience. Our goal is to facilitate an efficient, hassle-free, friendly, and successful outcome for your fingerprinting service requirement from a qualified fingerprinting service provider.

Discover a Convenient Location

With our extensive network of hundreds of fingerprinting service providers across the nation, Get Fingerprinted Now can help you find a nearby provider to get your fingerprints captured for FD-258 cards or possible electronic submission to the State or the FBI. If you do not find a provider, please send an email to and we will help you find a location to get fingerprinted now.

Contact a Provider

Every Get Fingerprinted Now provider is unique. Using the information on our provider map, you can contact a provider to learn about their individual services, processes, and prices. If you do not find a provider, please send an email to and we will help you find a location to get fingerprinted now.

Visit a Fingerprint Service Provider and Get Fingerprinted Now!

Once you have contacted one of our experienced fingerprinting service providers to schedule an appointment, the fingerprinting process itself should take about 15 minutes or less.


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